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--  作者:moonlizard
--  发布时间:7/24/2007 1:19:40 PM
--  [下载]独立音乐TOP 100/100 Greatest Songs of the Modern Era


涵盖了很多当代重量级的老牌独立乐队以及近两年声名鹊起的新乐队,post-rock, shoegaze,dream pop,indie rock,experimental,indie pop,indie electronic,alt rock,ambient...范围很广,比较全,选的曲目也很精,可以作为不错的独立音乐入门指南(除了两三首不是)。推荐。(ps:庞大的工程,仰望中...)

Original posted by:Jerome

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100. Apostle of Hustle - Sleepwalking Ballad
Another BSS-affiliated pleasure. The build-up of this piece is intensely wonderful.

099. Goddamn Electric Bill - Looking Up at Down
Flamenco-inspired guitars slowly dissolve into dissonant, reverb-rich chords, and the beauty is laid beneath like a red carpet for you to rejoice and dance upon.

098. Larsen - C
Ahh, welcome to my dark side. This song commands such a huge, dark, deep, yet satisfying, presence. Disturbingly hypnotic, you\'ll completely lose yourself if you allow the song to attach itself to you. Guitar, bass, accordian, xylophone, violin, drums, keyboards, and murmurs, each slowly layered upon the next into one giant snowball of destruction. If you\'ve ever played Katamari Damacy, you\'ll get a nice visual of how this thing builds. Gorgeous.

097. pg.lost - Yes I Am
This is the shit. Translucent, shimmering guitars swamp you in an orgy of pedal effects, the rug being swept from underneath your feet at 3:48 with a veritable crescendo for the ages. Welcome to the best of what\'s around.

096. Matthew Good - While We Were Hunting Rabbits
Because I\'m not big on lyrics, I\'m also not bent over on vocals much, but some artists have some amazing chords that I can\'t help but fall in love with. Matthew Good is one of those rare people who can carry a song alone on his vocals. What helps is a very melodic, very catchy beat to spar along with his voice. By all means, this is a very weird song, with a cheering crowd as background noise during the slower parts and a two-minute, classical denouement. But it\'s all somehow pulled off in a way that\'ll keep you playing this song over and over again. Vive le Toronto!

095. Stars - What the Snowman Learned About Love
After the band introduces itself, we get a lush waterfall of sound, and finally it lulls into a dreamy, somber, hypnotic melody that\'ll melt your heart like a snowman making s\'mores \'round a campfire (hey, I like playing with the titles and making analogies, so sue me). And just when you think you\'ve fallen under a spell, the percussion goes off at 4:10 and elevates your high a few notches. Vive la Montreal!

094. Zookeeper - Two-Part Invention
Now that The Smashing Pumpkins are getting back together, and barring a Godspeed You! Black Emperor reunion, the official best defunct band in my eyes will always be The Gloria Record. Therefore, you can bet any follow-up projects by any of its members will be vigorously tracked down by yours truly. That being said, Chris Simpson, former vocalist for both TGR and Mineral, has the most amazing ability to weave his voice around instrumentation like a vine wrapping its way up a tree. And like that tree, you\'ll feel cocooned by the warmth and comfort of his unique vocal tendencies. Now comes his latest project, Zookeeper, which is a stripped-down version of his high guitar, high synth ways of yore, yet retains that focus on surreal melodies. This is a folkier release that will enchant you in ways you can\'t imagine.

093. The Church - Telepath
One of my top songs of last year, these fossil Aussies really know how to play from the top shelf. It almost feels like this song is shrouded in a blanket of space. The aural blast at the 3:30 mark is only accented by the dueling guitars, making for quite the sonic wetdream.

092. Sunny Day Real Estate - Faces In Disguise
Sitars alive and kicking, this is a crafty song of massive proportions.

091. Yndi Halda - We Flood Empty Lakes
Realistically, I could have chosen any song off this EP, as all three are absolutely beautiful. This one begins with swelling violins, expands like a blooming, triumphant Redwood, and culminates into a lush onslaught of unrestrained force. If you didn\'t take the hint earlier, get your hands on the full album now.

090. Airiel - Cinnamon
Shoegaze, perfected. Beginning at 2:36, and again at 4:33.

089. Wilderness - Say Can You See
If you\'re not chanting along with the chorus of this masterpiece after a couple listens, look into donating your sense of hearing to the deaf kid down the street this holday season because you don\'t know how to appreciate it.

088. Billy Corgan - Mina Loy (M.O.H.)
This is my current favorite song out of 2005. Billy picks up right where the Machina series left off from late-era Pumpkins. Synths and guitars dazzle along with Corgan\'s celestial voice. There\'s an aggressive, yet passive nature to this song, giving it this otherworldly quality. The highlight strikes at 2:33. I\'d been waiting for Billy\'s solo project for months, and this being the first song I heard off the album, I was nearly moved to tears. Such beauty.

087. The Apparitions - She Burned Out Their Eyes
The most well-rounded song I\'ve heard in awhile. Traditional rock goodness with all those peculiar fix-ins to sate even low-tolerance types like myself. Enough vitality to be listened to over and over again.

086. The Open - Bring Me Down
Sheer brilliance, brimming with so much euphoria. Despite the title of the song, this thing will really make you soar. Pay very close attention to the guitars around 2:49, fucking ridculously good interplay.

085. Moly - Time On My Own
This song is a perfect demonstration of the highwire and ether aesthetics. A gentle cascade of ethereal wonder engulfs you right off the bat, aided by some soft vocals. Not to be outdone, the guitars peak around the 2:30 mark. It\'s absolutely beautiful.

084. Uzi and Ari - Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz
(correction: they\'re from Lebanon)
This album would have easily made my top 20 if I had heard it before I made my list for 2005. This song is pretty emblematic of the overall style. A shoegazer fan\'s wet dream of an album. Guitars soar and hooks take cuts in this epic song. The first five minutes would have already made this a solid song, but it takes a slight violin-lead interlude, then catapults right back into the chorus with unbridled ferocity. The climax strikes at 7:40 when a maddeningly hypnotic riff hits and sucks all the air out of your system. It\'s a short-lived 25 seconds, but it\'s that small nugget of charm that makes everything seem whole.

083. The Polyphonic Spree - Together Were Heavy
Probably how the Druids did it. Hauntingly beautiful.

082. The Frames - Dream Awake
Irish rockers burn it to pieces on this track. One of my favorites of the year. Starts off slow, but a total blowout by the end. Gotta love the piquing violin.

081. The Radio Dept. - The Worst Taste In Music (Extended)
Soothing, mellow, atmospheric pop goodness. When I call Scandanavia the new Canada, I really mean it in a way that they can do no wrong. Synths, guitars, and subdued vocals run this gamut, delivering a sound that will both make you dream as well as bop your head. Sophisticated pop music. This is one of those albums that, if you listen to non-stop for a week, will bleed into your consciousness. That delicious feeling whereby you need to get out of work/class and sit in your car or room just to listen to the sonic warmth of this music\'s afterglow.

080. Murder By Death - Those Who Left
This song is a pervert. It seduces you within 30 seconds, then resorts to all the tricks in the book to keep the romance alive: pianos, violins, guitars, heavy percussion....oh how I thirst for more! Yes, this song will make a slut out of you, but it\'s so good you won\'t feel that morning-after guilt. Like a good booty call, this beast starts climaxing around 6 1/2 minutes with squealing, distorted guitars. I wish I could keep this song to myself, but it\'s a natural whore and wants to pass the savings onto you. I am forever this song\'s bitch.

079. Youth Pictures of Florence Henderson - We May Be Remembered
This is a quintessential song to hear for any fan of postrock, and a great introduction to those unfamiliar with the genre. Slow, methodical, unorthodox, and constantly building. The track I upped is straight from the album, and being the final track, you\'ll get a taste of their trite little hidden song at the end.

078. Magenta Skycode - Luvher Oh Hater
Scandanavia\'s answer to The Arcade Fire. Of course, very few things come close to such a dynamic band, but these Finns do a pretty good job. Quirky pop and rock hits strewn with mesmerizing melodies. Let this song be your anthem for Spring.

077. M83 - Run Into Flowers
Picking up where My Bloody Valentine left off, M83 leads the charge of the modern shoegaze movement (my opinion). Rich, elaborate soundscapes that envelop you are this (former) duo\'s forte. I made a quick CD for the gym one day of random stuff I had downloaded, and when this album came on, I absolutely lost it. I was more pumped up than any other time I\'d been at the gym. (For the sake of showing off, here are some pictures of me when I was at my physical peak last summer. M83 can do that for you too!) These guys will leave you zoned out, your knees buckled, and render your speech unintelligible. Oh yeah, and I\'m gonna catch them perform tonight. So multiply it by a factor of 10. Booyah!

076. The Strokes - Ize Of The World
Gotta love those dirty, dissonant guitars. One of the best build-up harmonics for a chorus line ever.

075. Dialect - SIMTOC (Destroyed by Stafrænn Hákon)
SH: Yo Dialect, what\'s up bro?
D: Nothin much Stafrænn Hákon, what\'s up with you?
SH: Well Dialect, I happened upon this gnarly idea. Considering we\'re in the same genre and make the same style of music, let\'s release a split EP together.
D: Tubular idea, Stafrænn Hákon! Let me fuck around with one of your best songs, and you do the same for me.
SH: You\'re reading my mind, Dialect, you\'re reading my mind....
D: Stafrænn Hákon, I love the tight bass lines you\'ve incorporated into my music.
SH: Nonsense, Dialect, the percussion you\'ve added to my mix is A-one!
D: I agree, Stafrænn Hákon, I agree....

074. Gardenbox - I Can\'t
Damnit, here\'s another album that would have made my top 50 of last year had I heard it early enough (yeah, I could go back and change things, but I\'m too lazy). Anyway, if you want incentive to check out this song, here\'s a lil\' fodder: think 65daysofstatic meets Paik meets French Teen Idol. This stuff is yummy. Spread it on your morning toast, or simply take one pill every morning. Side-effects may include lethargy, loss of focus, and ignorant bliss.

073. Frou Frou - Shh
Imogen Heap\'s old project. Incredible use of the voice as an instrument. Lovely, eerie electronics.

072. French Teen Idol - Shouting Can Have Different Meanings
Sampling the world\'s #1 radio announcer\'s antics with unparalleled passion.

071. Arrive Alive - I Know What I\'m Doing is Wrong But I\'m Going to Do it Anyway
Two great, intercontinental minds pull off post-rock\'s answer to The Postal Service. Served up with a fresh serving of melody and flair.

070. Don\'t Mess With Texas - We Excused Ourselves To The Bathroom And Had A Little Cry
This is my bone to pick with postrock: enough with the fuckin unnecessarily long and dull intros and outros! Get to the beef, my friends! (Mark my words, The Exploits of Elaine are going to be the biggest thing to hit postrock next year with their first album because they get it.) Now, I\'m not putting down all segues of any sort, just the unnecessary ones, as this song will demonstrate. This song would be near-perfect if it was just 3 minutes long. But no, they need to lull us into a comatose state before unleashing their beast on us. Any not just any lull; I\'m talking pedantic, Ross-Geller-on-keyboard lull. Really, the first 3 minutes of this thing are atrocious. However, and this is a huge however, the remainder of the song is absolutely everything that is right with music today (much like this beauty by God is an Astronaut, which I\'d promote up to 9.9 now). A piano and guitar duke it out for about a minute, then distortion strikes hard, the piano keeping up to continue exchanging blows. A second guitar comes in with some high-fret madness around 4:50 to referee the match, but is soon swallowed by the black hole of distortion, cascading into one of the richest 25 seconds of your life. On top of it all, these Croations managed to snag possibly the coolest band name ever.

069. Mogwai - Hunted By a Freak
Sheering synths and rockin guitars really overwhelm the senses.

068. Cut City - Just Pornography (For M.E.)
This is one of the most addicting guitar licks you can ever hope to encounter, backed by a barrage of "bird" guitars. Insanely good.

067. Port-Royal - Putin Vs. Valery
I\'m going to use an apt band name to desribe this: Holy Fuck. The combination of soaring synths, mass delay, and subdued field recordings sends the perfect shiver down my spine.

066. Stafrænn Hákon - Vetur (Unstructured by Dialect)
SH: Yo Dialect, what\'s up bro?
D: Nothin much Stafrænn Hákon, what\'s up with you?
SH: Well Dialect, I happened upon this gnarly idea. Considering we\'re in the same genre and make the same style of music, let\'s release a split EP together.
D: Tubular idea, Stafrænn Hákon! Let me fuck around with one of your best songs, and you do the same for me.
SH: You\'re reading my mind, Dialect, you\'re reading my mind....
D: Stafrænn Hákon, I love the tight bass lines you\'ve incorporated into my music.
SH: Nonsense, Dialect, the percussion you\'ve added to my mix is A-one!
D: I agree, Stafrænn Hákon, I agree....

065. Ceremony - Old
This song will blow out both your speakers and your ears. But if you plan to live a short life, blast ahead.

064. Bitcrush - Drop Entitled
Picture a ping-pong ball floating on the top of the water in a bathtub. Now imagine a plugged-in hair-dryer being tossed in. That\'s the 4:39 mark. Floorboard-slapping good times.

063. Asobi Seksu - Red Sea
When I listen to shoegaze, I literally feel plumes of smoke ejecting out the sides of my body. Call it psychological synaesthesia if you will, but my world changes when I listen to certain melodies. Being enveloped in a cloud of your own debris makes for quite the lasting impression. This is by far one of the best albums I\'ve heard all year. It puts their acclaimed, previous album to shame.

062. dotcut - Your Naked Dead Body
My taste for droning music is a window so small and obtuse you could easily misinterpret it for a gerrymandered liberal Texas district. This piece fits snug into that opening. Dire, moaning guitars will mystify and beseech you. This one\'s a real gem.

061. The Books - Motherless Bastard
You want a song to put you in a ripe, sad mood? Look no further! Follow the plight of a lost girl on a subway as she tries to find her parents over a backdrop of careening violins.

060. Motionless - The Windmill
Anyone who thinks this genre is missing something obviously hasn\'t been listening to the likes of Motionless and Moving Mountains. This is seriously some of the best shit I\'ve heard all year. Unbelivable music, especially with the harmonization of guitars. The only flaw this song has is around the 6:31 mark, where the sound is taken to an apex, then drawn out quickly, never to be heard from again. They could have ridden that wave to the ends of the world. Finding songs like this makes all the endless searches worth their weight in gold.

059. Lemon Jelly - Nice Weather For Ducks
Lemon Jelly is one of my newfound obsessions. They seem to combine so many genres into a sweet, sweet sound. This song combines field recordings, synths-a-plenty, and some downtempo funk. They decide to get a little jazzy and throw in a muted trumpet towards the end, giving you a hint of that 70s vibe. More horns give the impression of salsa music, ready for your ballroom needs. There\'s really so much to this song it\'s almost magical. Eat shit, Disney.

058. Mahogany - Domino Ladder Beta Featuring Robin Guthrie
Sweeping instrumentation that will swallow you in its wake of raptured guitars and swooning rythym.

057. The Go! Team - The Power is On
There\'s about 30 different samples used in this beauty. You can\'t tell whether you\'re listening to the soundtrack of some campy 70s cop show, some 80s Saturday morning cartoon, or some 90s PBS children\'s special. All you know is: these falling bricks hit you with a sledgehammer of nostalgia. And just when you think you\'ve heard it all, 2:09 roars with violins, leaving you trembling in your wake. The most eclectic band I\'ve ever come across.

056. Loveninjas - Meet Me Here
Ahh, another song about fucking. Sweet, sweet, sweet instrumentation. I think I listened to this one about 20 times yesterday. Pay close attention to 2:06.

055. Cursive - Staying Alive
An unexpected, different kind of gem from one of the most important bands of the past decade.

054. Do Make Say Think - Outer Inner & Secret
Among the coolest names for a song (nothing beats "Handjobs for the Holidays" - Broken Social Scene), this song can be described as a series of orgasms. Or, in layman\'s terms, a woman\'s virlity. As such, there\'s tender care taken in the form of foreplay, finally climaxing around 5 minutes in. But the cuddle session afterwards is the best part, where tantric guitars throttle lovers through the most eerie, ghostly of worlds. (I\'m not up to technical snuff, so if anyone wants to let me in on how the band creates those ghostly sounds around 7:40, it\'d be more than appreciated.) Vive le Toronto!

053. Explosions In The Sky - The Only Monent We Were Alone
This is as stereotypical as you\'d expect post-rock to be, but what everyone aims for is naturally one of the best.

052. Eluvium - Taken
17 minutes of cascading beauty. An extremely infectious melody that rises and falls with intensity, yet somehow feels immortal. You\'ll feel taken back to the triumphant, glorious days of the Renaissance. Because we were all alive then. Bah, you\'ll know what I mean when you listen.

051. Red Sparowes - Alone and Unaware
Another song with three parts to it, each more rockin than the last.

050. Bedroom Heroes - Embers & the Night After
This song kind of sucks. It\'s dreadfully boring and moves at the pace of a drowning snail. However, it has perhaps one of the greatest flourishes ever. You almost wonder why the hell they threw in a dynamic, uppity melody at the end of this bore. The flourish opens up at 6:40 with guitars and violins blazing. One of the smoothest drinks you can take down.

049. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)
I\'m a sucker for sweet, catchy, repetitive melodies. The reverb-laiden guitar that enters at 1:10 puts this song in overdrive for me.

048. Jaga Jazzist - Swedenborgske Rom
13-piece Norweigan ensemble deal a jazzy, spirited blast of euphoria that chases you down like a throng of bees after you\'ve thrown rocks at their hive. You might as well call yourself Macaulay, because this song will kill you. Screaming, ghostly guitars that haunt and a rabid piano will eat away at your soul. All in a good way.

047. Minus the Bear - Pachuca Sunrise
Dreamy, heartache-y, and surreal. This is the single best song of 2005 a lot of people will have the fortune of hearing. Run out and buy the album when it comes out next month.

046. The Gloria Record - The Arctic Cat
Drama overload. Twinkling and dynamic, this song aims right for the heart and jugular.

045. Aurore Rien - Hindsight 20/20
From the opening riff, you will be hooked. Layer upon layer is slowly added with each measure, climaxing again and again. If the words "shoegaze" or "postrock" mean anything to you, you\'re in for a real fuckin treat. I already bitched about outros a couple entries down, so I\'ll let y\'all take the bait for this one. This song is breathtakingly magnificient.

044. This Beautiful Mess - Clean
One of the benefits of not focusing on lyrics is being able to tune out what might otherwise ruin a good song by having lyrics that are either a) bad, b) foreign, or c) Christian. This band nearly pulls off the trifecta, if only they sang in their native Dutch. But since lyrics carry zero weight, onto the music....this song carries an incredible melody, synths and guitars weaving in and out of one another. By all accounts, this is an incredible rock song. What makes it even more incredible is learning why the pacing follows as it does, leading up to the most climactic of all climaxes. At 2:34, your body will become paralyzed, enraptured by the chaos. Blissful, sonic chaos. It\'s so worth it.

043. Bjork - Unison
Talk about uplifting vocals. Jesus, swoon me to sleep every night, baby.

042. The Most Serene Republic - You\'re a Loose Cannon McArthur...But You Get the Job Done
I\'m really pullin out some big guns right now. An aural assault of guitars and piano. The harmony between vocals and lead guitar at :30 is magical, but the penultimate driving force behind the song is the piano/bass-driven melody silhouetted with some high-fret guitar action at the end that\'ll leave your spirits soaring higher than anything else.

041. The Music - Bleed From Within
How fuckin arrogant does a band have to be to dub themselves The Music? Well, the name couldn\'t be better suited for any other band. With only one guitar, one bass, one drum kit, and one vocalist, they make enough noise to fill any arena. They come up with their songs through improvisation by ear with a strong, tribal influence. You can\'t help but feel like yelling along and moving your feet. I guarantee this band will grow to be a favorite of at least a half dozen people here. Bleed From Within is an amazing song, full of vigor and intensity. You\'ll love it.

040. The Killers - Mr. Brightside (Thin White Duke Remix)
How does one go about turning the most mediocre song ever into one of the most palatable grooves known to man? A dash of drum machine, a pinch of echo, and a smorgasbord of lucid synthesizers. Smorgasbord! This is one you can only get the full effect of by cranking the knob to 11. Highlight at 7:08.

039. Broken Social Scene - Looks Just Like the Sun
This band took me about 10 listens and 2 years before I really saw the magic behind their gift for making among the sweetest music known to man. Now they sit pretty at #2 on my list of favorite bands. As the title implies, this song captures the essence of laid back, chill day out on the patio of a cantina by the beach. Sip that margarita, play with your cocktail umbrella, and enjoy a head-trip to the nearest beachfront resort. The "moment" in this song hits at 1:47, seemingly pushing you out further into the ocean\'s glare. It may sound less refined, but there\'s actually 4 guitars going on here (unlike Almost Crimes, which uses 6). Vive le Toronto!

038. Decoder Ring - Serac
If you want to talk about amazing, progressive sounds, look no further. This song will have you enraptured; it only gets better with every movement.

037. The Embassy - Boxcar
How addictive is this song? Between 50 minutes stuck on repeat at the gym, 30 listens at home, and blissfully playing in my head at work over the last couple days, you can just imagine. Sure, call it a crime for me to update charlatantric with the same band in the same month, but you\'d have to listen to this song to understand. It\'s principally one part of the song too, right after the 2:13 mark. You also get a little Swedish-inspired Spanish in there. Leave it on repeat and come enter my world for a day.

036. Gregor Samsa - Untitled track2
I won\'t even bother ruining this one. Put it on full blast, sit back, and concentrate your hardest on the instruments. If you\'re lucky, you might feel what I did and have that "Holy shit!" moment. The best song I\'ve heard in months. Make sure you definitely grab the full album. The other two tracks are rated 9.2 (track 1) and 9.0 (track 3). That\'s on par with Caspian\'s You Are the Conductor EP and The Gloria Record\'s A Lull in Traffic EP in terms of sheer brilliance and consistency.

035. Friends of Dean Martinez - Landfall
Ahh, the one song I\'ve been pining to unleash for over a week....the best song I\'ve heard in almost a month. Straight out of the starting gates, you\'ve got that looming, atmospheric synthesizer setting up the mellow tone to the song. The guitars, absolutely soaking in pedal effects, soon follow. The percussion is masterful as well, giving the song even more of a light, airy feel. Slowly, the lead guitar takes full command of the song, and you\'ve got one of the sweetest solos you\'ll ever come across.

034. Bloc Party - Compliments (Shibuyaka Remix)
This is off the remixed version of my favorite album of the year (so far). These guys are vastly, vastly underrated by the most elitist of the indie community. Their aesthetic and knack for good hooks is unbelievable. Already a fantastic song, this remix ups the ante with more evocative instrumentation, most notably at 1:45. Throw caution to the wind and absorb this band for all the greatness they bring to music\'s modern landscape.

033. Lali Puna - Grin and Bear
Pulsing....hypnotic....mesmerizing.... The beauty of one steady stream with all the other instruments dancing around it. First a teaser around 1:14, then the real deal hits at 2:39. The highlight is the guitar that comes in around 3:33 amidst all the chaos to elevate the grandeur a few bed post notches, because those frets are gettin mad ass.

032. Hammock - Raising Your Voice...Trying to Stop an Echo
This song is like a whale of the musical ocean: huge, majestic, and prone to swallow you whole. Indulge in perhaps the greatest riff of 2006 (between 3:26-4:24). This is the perfect soundtrack to a dream.

031. Caspian - Quovis Further Up Further In
A charging, frantic escapade of musical grandeur, brimming with energy with no appearance of cadence in sight.

030. Thursday - Running From the Rain
I bow to thee, God of delay/distortion. Throw in booming vocals and thunderous bass and percussion, and you\'ve got a powerhouse ballad.

029. The Workhouse - Vienetta
A powerhouse of three movements, this song handles all the delicacies from beginning to end.

028. Royksopp - What Else Is There?
(video is wrong, they\'re actually from Norway)
Tremendous melody that will hold you in its grips right from the start.

027. laura - Levodopa
Breathtakingly epic. This song will wrap you in a coccoon of exhiliration, your only recourse to break free, spread your wings, and take flight like a papillon of crashing melodies. The cornier the metaphor, the more awe-inspiring. The synth that enters around 3:18 should give you seizures of goodness. Yeah....

026. Belegost - Nightwalker/Deergod
It\'s all about the crescendo, but the key here is how long they carry it for.... Around 9 minutes in, we get our first glimpse of triumph during Nightwalker, and the song slowly bleeds into Deergod. This is like a launchpad into the stratosphere. Slowly, the beast begins to take form around 15 minutes, an unrelenting rocketship with sporadic bursts from the engines. The maniacal drumming begins arond 16:47, complemented by a set of high-fret guitars. Each measure brings us one step more intense. It all comes together at 19:37, crashing with the energy of a full-blown meteor. Highly recommended to pump the volume.

025. Death Cab for Cutie - Company Calls Epilogue (Alternative)
This one will definitely put you into a dreamy, hazy trance.

024. !!! - Bend Over Beethoven
What a way to start off the year. There is an absolute clusterfuck of melody around the 6-minute mark that will send your body reeling.

023. 65daysofstatic - Retreat! Retreat!
Tortoise on crack. This song will blow you so far out of your seat. With a combination of amazing drumming and a drum machine, the tempo is crazy. There\'s three kickers of rising intensity in this song, 0:33, 1:16, and 2:32. There\'s so many things going on in this song, but chaos seems to be the intention, despite an amazing melody. One word to describe this song: intense!

022. Arca - Polarit
What a glorious find! This is everything I was expecting to capture with the charlatantrum. project. Even I can only hope to touch the brilliance of this track.

021. The Postal Service - Clark Gable
80s and 90s nostalgia thrown into one of the most dramatic productions ever.

020. Modest Mouse - Float On
Pop perfection. Very few things will ever be as catchy.

019. Saxon Shore - Marked with the Knowledge
Near-flawless execution. This is what the future of all rock music should sound like.

018. Sigur Ros - Saeglopur
Ahh, some hardcore Sigur Ros fans aren\'t going to appreciate the transition on the new album. It\'s a lot poppier than past efforts, but for me, that\'s the added spark this band needed that I was witness to shades of 4 years ago. In time, they\'ll grow to understand that I was right all along. Piano is the winning instrument in this piece. We also get our usual twinkly percussion and Hopelandic falsetto, and this first two minutes is but the exoskeleton. The x-ray flips off at 1:52, revealing this wonderous beast in all its bombastic glory. Beautiful.

017. K.C. Accidental - Them (Pop Song #3333)
Swooning violins battle the uptempo percussion for your attention, held together by a streaking bass line, sporadic vocals and guitars jumping in and out. This is one of those songs you can literally just sit back and breathe in, bona fide sensory deprivation.

016. I Love You But I\'ve Chosen Darkness - We Choose Faces
Dark, ambient, shoegazey, dreamy prog. This is one of those perfect songs to watch with one of those scrambler programs on your computer. It\'ll make you yearn for a generation past, if VH1\'s I Love the 80s doesn\'t already do the trick.

015. Longwave - Wake Me When It\'s Over
Not a chance to hesitate before this song punches you in the gut and keeps kicking you on the ground. This song will kick your ass. Get lost in this dreamy, mesmerizing tune.

014. The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
After hearing the initial talk of Arcade Fire from the hype machine, I was ready to dismiss it outright, but it would only be fair of me to do so if I first gave them a chance (yup, I love to hate things, too). The first track absolutely floored me. I didn\'t even bother to skip to track 2 until after about my 10th listen. There are just so many things so right with this song, from the twinkly piano, to the mounting momentum, to the Pixies-like wailing at the end. The best moment hits at exactly 3:22 for me. Subtle, but soul-crushing. While the whole album is great, there\'s no question that this track is tops. Enjoi~!

013. Radiohead - Where I End and You Begin
Squealing whale-like synths and an uptempo beat really make this one a winner.

012. Interpol - A Time to Be So Small (Original)
This one\'s a real fuckin treat. To me, this is the best song the band has ever recorded, back when it was a simple B-side. Then they went and fucked it up when they remade it for Antics. It\'s the most depressing song I\'ve ever come across, as well as containing one of the best solos I\'ve ever heard. Your stomach will drop 20 stories beginning at the 3:30 mark. Make sure to crank it up.

011. Circle of Birds - Circle of Birds
When a collection of talented musicians come together to produce a side-project, there\'s many a reason to get excited. Now, imagine if, on their self-titled release, there was a title track (read: Circle of Birds - Circle of Birds - Circle of Birds). That would make that one particular song the magnum opus, the reason all these musicians came together in the first place. This is the culmination of one such magical journey. Field recordings of horse hooves clopping open up this masterpiece, set against a backdrop of emotive-rich instrumentation. Once the percussion comes in around 2:18, set your emotions into overdrive and lose yourself.

010. Smashing Pumpkins - Home
Of all the SP songs to love, this one sticks out the most. This is the pure definition of "ethereal" in my book. There\'s a grainy, lo-fi production value that adds to its mystique. This song helped solidify my love for electric over acoustic guitar. Long-live effects pedals!

009. Blonde Redhead - Futurism vs. Passeism pt. 2
You like abstract? How about two native Japanese and two native Italians from NYU art school writing songs in french? While 90% of their material is a little too avant-garde for my tastes, you know a composition of said individuals must strike upon genius at least once. This is that landmine. There\'s something about this hypnotizing song that makes me feel quixotic. Like the Longwave song, it springs out the gates in an unrelenting fashion, keeping you on your toes, but maintaining a smooth mellowness. And just when you think the trance is set in motion, it\'s kicked up another notch. *grabs a Guinness* Brilliant!

008. A Silver Mt. Zion - Sit In the Middle of Three Galloping Dogs
Have I mentioned enough how much I enjoy dark, deep, disturbing music? Well, let me put it in perspective: while most people most enjoy a nice, warm, sunny day on the beach, my ideal kind of day is "ominous": thick with dark clouds, windless, devoid of people, and with only the chirp of crows to comfort me (think 28 Days Later). I like music that recreates that haunting imagery in my head. This comes as a surprise to most people who know me because I\'m perhaps the most cheery, extraverted person they\'ve met. Well, back during my stint working reatil management at Abercrombie & Fitch (recently fired because I shoot my mouth off too much), I would make mix CDs that narry a person would appreciate (A&F kids generally have suckage taste in music), and this song was featured on one of the mix tapes. The kids would complain about how dark it was, and the next time I fetched the CD out of the stereo, someone had relabeled it "Jerome\'s Suicide Mix". ASMZ is a side-project for half the members of GY!BE, and they\'ve brought their aesthetic with them. This song is fraught with churning swirling helicopter-noise guitars that erupt at 3:07 to mark the beginning of one of the greatest flows my ears have ever graced. The violins take it away from that point, rising in intensity with every measure. Feel the apocolypse!!

007. God is an Astronaut - Point Pleasant
People often ask me what kind of music I would make if I were in a band. This (along with The Exploits of Elaine further down) is as close an answer as I can give you. This is the best new song I\'ve heard in 6 months. Let me set the stage....glitzy, spacey, atmospheric tune, enter riff-tastic, reverb-laden guitar at 1:30. Sink back into abyss and set us up for the climax. Guitar resurfaces at 3:10, jousting with second riff-tastic guitar at 3:21. Hook. Prep "WAAH-WAAH" synthesizer for added atmosphere. Crank bass like a chainsaw and let\'er rip at 4:17 into one of the most beautiful grooves. End scene. Formulaic? Yes. Predictable? Yes. Breath-taking? Absolutely.

006. Bent - Always
My favorite part about this band is recommending it to others because the dork in me gets a kick out of saying "get Bent." Repeatedly. This song has a distant, hypnotic vibe to it, hopping along with a rhythmic tribal beat. It sounds like a sexed up version of "St. Elmo\'s Fire." This one has been sttin on repeat for me the last couple weeks.

005. Moving Mountains - Cover The Roots, Lower The Stems
Wow. This is a soaring masterpiece, probably the best song I\'ve heard in almost a year. A little darker than the rest of the tracks, it taps into so many mechanisms of pure melodic bliss I don\'t even know where to begin, so I\'ll just write about the end-all, be-all: 3:19. It\'s a tsunami of Himalayan proportions. Let it crush you in its stream of unbridled, shimmering, face-ripping splendor.

004. Mono & World\'s End Girlfriend - [untitled]
(my new screen name is charlatantric)
HyperSeduction: oh man, I just found like the most beautiful song
HyperSeduction: this is great
HyperSeduction: 19 minutes long
friend: SEND IT TO ME
HyperSeduction: haha, 56k
HyperSeduction: I\'ll try to charlatantric it tonight
HyperSeduction: that alone will take 2-3 hours
HyperSeduction: crazy ass internet connection
HyperSeduction: wow, this song is gooooooood
HyperSeduction: it\'s only 8 minutes in, and I already feel like I\'m in a dream
HyperSeduction: ahhh, buzzin...
HyperSeduction: swirls of candy and colored shapes
HyperSeduction: eyes getting heavy
HyperSeduction: light-headed
friend: what\'s it called?
HyperSeduction: yummm, this is what music\'s all about...
HyperSeduction: it\'s a collaborative by two bands
HyperSeduction: Mono & World\'s End Girlfriend
HyperSeduction: one does post-rock, the other does dreamy soundscapey drone
HyperSeduction: their combo is.....!!!!!!!
friend: i was actually going ot buy it on iTunes
friend: but it\'s not on here
HyperSeduction: oh, the CD doesn\'t come out for a couple months
HyperSeduction: oh my god, this thing is giving my ears orgasms
HyperSeduction: 13 mins in
friend: lol i want really want to hear this
HyperSeduction: ooohh, it\'s got a charlatantric rating of 9.6 already
HyperSeduction: after two listens, that\'s really really good

003. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Moya
Awesome. Absoultely, utterly, wholly, undeniably....awesome. This song will capture everything in your soul and spit you out like a cannon. I normally vault through the slower processes of a song, but you\'d be doing yourself the biggest injustice if you skipped right past the first meandering five minutes. The full scale of this song is much too large to skip any bit of it. We all know our favorite songs have "moments", those precious, singular spots that tug on our hearts, send a tingle down our spine, and make our hairs stand on end, even for just a nanosecond. This song has two such moments; 8:27 and 8:44. Strap yourself in snug, because this will feel like the greatest roller-coaster ride your ears could ever drum up.

002. The Appleseed Cast - Forever Longing the Golden Sunsets
(written before I had listened to song #1)
At what point do you realize something has become your favorite? That after the 300th listen, it still gives you goosebumps? That during a lecture, you pop out your headphones, open up your notebook, and plot an intensity chart for the whole song? That for every mix tape you\'ve ever made, you include it as the final track? That seeing it performed live, your head swells and your body pulses with unimaginable excitement? That it\'s influenced you enough to the point that one day, when you do start a band, you know exactly which aesthetic to shoot for? Well, I guess that\'s one way....

Deserving of a second paragraph, here we stand, #1 of over 25,000. This song is a cancer. It will enter your brain and spread throughout your body. Little by little, with each listen, you\'ll cave in to its utter grandiosity. First you\'ll think of it as just another great rock song. Then you\'ll notice all the small nuances of why you just can\'t stop listening to it. The guitars, the bass, the drumming. Oh, especially the drumming. Perhaps the first time you\'ll notice great drumming. And then you\'ll go back to the guitars and be in awe of how seamlessly they weave in and out of one another, accented by a great bass line. Building, building, and building, this song reaches its 90-second climax in grand fashion. As an aside, just to note how little I pay attention to lyrics, I still don\'t have them down for this song yet (even though I made this). Saddle up, cowboy, because you won\'t be coming back after riding off into this sunset.

001. Paik - Tinsel and Foil
Frenetic drumming sets up the pace of this trio\'s masterpiece. Like the three witches of Shakespeare\'s MacBeth, we get every kind of odd ingredient tossed into the cauldron, setting up a slow simmer. Incantation notwithstanding, at 1:40, the broth spews forth with an undeniable force, exploding like a volcano, spreading ashes of unmatched sonic quality across every parcel of land, intoxicating everything within earshot. Again, at 3:15, with larger plumes that reach even further into the countryside. This is the aesthetic of beauty. This is the kind of nugget that makes months upon hours of digging through music worthwhile. This is the sound of everything we stand to live and yearn for. This is music.


--  作者:ningizzia
--  发布时间:7/25/2007 1:33:50 PM


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呵呵 还有好几个EMO
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