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----  Elbow(2008)--The Seldom Seen Kid  (http://indiechina.com:443/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=1918)

--  作者:很黄很暴力
--  发布时间:3/10/2008 4:14:17 AM
--  Elbow(2008)--The Seldom Seen Kid


Elbow’s new album, their fourth, is reassuringly boring on initial contact. Reassuring because if Elbow fans know anything, it’s that the band they love make music that rewards revisiting, that slowly unfurls itself over time to reveal sonic and emotional depths inconceivable at the first glimpse. If The Seldom Seen Kid jumped out and stamped itself on the dancefloor or airwaves from the off, you’d know something was amiss.

……full review is here

