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9月17日英国&荷兰&中国,三支混合乐队在北京演出  发贴心情 Post By:9/10/2010 10:13:58 PM



时间:2010-09-17 8:00pm
地点:东城区方家胡同46号热力猫俱乐部(HOT CAT CLUB)
路线:公交108、104路方家胡同下/ 地铁:雍和宫C口南行200米至方家胡同/地铁北新桥A口北行300米至方家胡同 / 自驾车:安定门内大街或雍和宫大街至方家胡同。


Pink Chimneys (http://www.douban.com/artist/pinkchimneys/ )
Ping-Pong Diplomacy

Ping Pong diplomacy "Energetic, emotional.. see them and still not believe!"

Mr Wolf "Dark, brooding, euphoric.. eat your heart out with a spoon.(quote: sherif of Nottingham)

Pink Chimneys "60's jangle, keyboards'n'stuff, ... bring your lunch box, lock up your kit-kats

The Pink Chimneys

The Pink Chimneys splay catchy keyboard driven sixties pop that will melt your ice-cream… The current formation of the band have been together for 9 months and according to bassist Wei-ti, the World is now ready for Sino-Dutch 60's jangle Schmooze to break open your lunch box and steal your kit-kit! The Chimney's line up of Wei-ti Wu (keyboards/bass), Peter (guitar), Zhengzhong (drums) and Liu Yuan (vocals) will make you wish you'd never given up wearing your toupee… this is big time… Catch a sneaky-peak at the bands glorious blog: http://www.douban.com/artist/pinkchimneys/ …or… http://www.myspace.com/pinkchimneys/.
and if you want to write them a love letter, send it to wwu5 [A] hotmail.com


Mr.Wolf are a sumptuous 3 piece gateau of mind-swirling minimal folk rock. "Dae Jong Nim" (drums), "Monkichi Mai Sha" (bass) and "Tezuka Ku-Mitzuri" (vocal/guitar) draw influence from their own recollections of political strife, heart-break and struggle, that are sculpted into sweet melodious anthems of contradiction. Formed in early 2010, the 3 members take their "stick-it-to-the-man" attitude to the stage once more. The Wolf's studiously avoid the benefits of an internet portal, however you can join their mailing list by writing "hit me baby, one more time" to we.are.mr.wolf [A] gmail.com, and we'll hit you back.

Ping Pong Diplomacy

Ping Pong Diplomacy are a culmination of 2 stalwart young men and one steadfast girl with a parallel mind set. They collectively wanted to create a sound that broadened the musical tastes of the forward thinking youth and captured the hearts of those gone by in years. The live show being that of vast energy and emotions giving the audience an all inclusive spectacle to behold, is guaranteed to please the senses. Look for the future to bring many more chances to.


此主题相关图片如下:pink chimneys.jpg

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