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氛围厄运团Nadja由Alien8发布全新专辑《Radiance of Shadows》

[日期:2007-10-18] 来源:独立音地  作者:road [字体: ]

The Canadian Ambient doom band Nadja returns with Radiance of Shadows, the follow-up to their critically acclaimed Touched release.

Radiance of Shadows is a mammoth monster of a record, spanning well over an hour with three tracks that are more epic and heavier than ever. Nadja’s constantly increasing fan base will not be disappointed with this outing; it’s classic Nadja. Radiance of Shadows has the feel of the super-saturated and dense recordings favoured by the likes of Fennesz and Tim Hecker but with the bite of metal.

Nadja is one of the most respected projects outsider metal projects, with two previous releases on Alien8 Recordings, as well as Body Cage on Profound Lore and a number of limited edition offerings on labels such as Archive, Equation and Conspiracy.

Radiance of Shadows opens rather gently taking it’s time to give birth to an amazing Isis-like riff which becomes completely washed out with Nadja’s trademark wall of Ambient Noise. Just when you think it cannot get any louder or more saturated it begins to subside into another more subdued section of ambience and occasional riffing. This eventually gives way to a brutal tandem of guitar and drums that recalls early Swans. Nadja has an unique ability to make their long recordings seem like they are a few tracks blending into one as opposed to the grandiose epics that they are.

Nadja launches the album this Friday October 5 at La Sala Rossa in Montreal as part of Pop Montreal. Radiance of Shadows is available for sale in CD or MP3 format direct from our site immediately as well as from many other retailers as of October 9. Those who purchase the CD direct from our web site will have instant access to a free downloadable MP3 version of the record. To preview the full album for free visit our site.


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