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Magyar Posse China Tour

[日期:2007-12-31] 来源:独立音地  作者:road [字体: ]

  01.17 - 01.18 2008, Magyar Posse will visit China and have 3 showcase at Beijing. Magyar Posse is a nice instrumental band from Finland. At these showcase Magyar Posse will perform with Lonely China Day, Du Kun, IDH and Heart Break Lotus. These showcase also the first important show of Indie Live Serials Showcase at the beginning of 2008.
  Magyar Posse was established at 2000 has released 3 records and toured a lot as Euro tour and Russia Tour. They has wined the highest MTV awards of Finland twice. The new work 《Random Avenger》 is listed in the Top 50 of instrumental records.
It’s considered as the best record which combines original composing and lyrics, Electronic sound and Experimental elements. The lives of this 6 perSon group are full of energy and beautiful melody; it’s picturesque sound scenery. Actually the picturesque of performance effect is also what they want. Western critical a believe they found the equal among Post Rock, Avant-Garde Music and Finland local elements.
  Magyar Posse China tour will have showcase with Lonely China Day and Cold Fairyland ans other Chinese indie band. These showcase are believed as a wonderful party of northern Europe instrumental band with Chinese sound.

Magyar Posse China Tour Date
01.11 2008 Friday @ Shang hai music hall, Shang hai w/ Cold Fairyland
01.12 2008 Saturday @ TRaveler’s Bar , Hang zhou
01.13 2008 Sunday @ Yu Yin Tang, Shang hai
01.14 2008 Monday @ JZ club, Shang hai
01.15 2008 Tuesday @ Hua Tong Bar, He fei
01.17 2008 Thursday @ 2 Kolegas, Beijing
01.18 2008 Friday @ Yu Gong Yi Shan, Bei ing w/ Lonely China day, Du Kun
01.19 2008 Saturday @ D22, Bei jing w/IDH, Heart Break Lotus


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