[独立音地-2011-09-28] 音速青年的专辑《Hits Are For Squares》于2008年在部分城市的咖啡厅做了少量售卖,而现在将由环球唱片在今年10月31日正式发行。
《Hits Are For Squares》是一张与众不同的精选集。专辑内的歌曲均由世界上大名鼎鼎的艺术家、演员、导演亲手挑选,包括著名乐队Radiohead,Pearl Jam乐队成员Eddie Vedder,以及导演Gus Van Sant,与其说这是一张Sonic Youth的精选集,不如说这是一次对于Sonic Youth的全球影响力的佐证。从上世纪80年代至今,Sonic Youth的音乐与美学概念成为了众多艺术家的灵感源泉。
而Sonic Youth的首张DVD则将焦点对准了他们在1991参加欧洲音乐节巡演的场景。除了有Sonic Youth极具爆发力的现场演绎,同时也记录了他们很多不为人知的日常生活状态。更值得让人期待的是,DVD里同时记录了Nirvana的一些足迹,包括他们当时参加的一系列文化运动。
《Hits Are For Squares》歌曲列表:
1. Bull in the Heather (selected by Catherine Keener)
2. 100% (selected by Mike D)
3. Sugar Kane (selected by Beck)
4. Kool Thing (selected by Radiohead)
5. Disappearer (selected by Portia de Rossi)
6. Superstar (selected by Diablo Cody)
7. Stones (selected by AlliSon Anders)
8. Tuff Gnarl (selected by Dave Eggers and Mike Watt)
9. Teenage Riot (selected by Eddie Vedder)
10. Shadow of a Doubt (selected by Michelle Williams)
11. Rain on Tin (selected by Flea)
12. Tom Violence (selected by Gus Van Sant)
13. Mary-Christ (selected by David Cross)
14. World Looks Red (selected by Chloe Sevigny)
15. Expressway to yr Skull (selected by The Flaming Lips)
16. Slow Revolution (new track, exclusive to this compilation)