All this time in one place【这些日子,(心情)总一直踯躅在一个地方】
The lovers gave up the chase【(腻了,烦了)恋人们厌倦了相互间(情感)的追逐——放了】
I stopped trying to keep a straight face【我(亦)停止了努力——努力去要保持着一副直真的面孔】
The starting shot was all botched she complained【(事情的)导火点便是她的抱怨——那些糟人心情的一堆破事】
So why did you make me start running【既然如此,为何你让我开始变得屁颠屁颠、忙东忙西(到头来,还遭你的怨)】
Well, I didn't see no-one else running【这么说吧,我还(真)没见哪个谈恋爱的像我这样】
A blank - that's straight!【你懵了吧!——(看你的表情,)倒还诚实的样子】
Promised I'd shape up, that's great【当初,我承诺我会奋发,(像潜力股一般),这可下了很大的决心】
Tried to wake you up in a kinder place【当初,我试图让你在一个更好的处位上醒醒眉】
But I figured that you'd notice【可我一厢情愿地以为你会留意我所做的这些】
All this time they were, waving from the finish line【这些时候,我总看到那些站在终点线上的过来人向我这边挥手】
Everyone has that evil thing【每个人都有那恶的一面】
That's why they can understand【正因此,他们能够理解(我的痛楚)】
Everyone has that rubber band【每个人也都有如橡皮筋那样弹性的一面】
Uh huh baby, that's why you'll bounce back【哦!啊!亲,这就是为什么你终有(情绪)反弹的时候】
I'm firing blanks that's straight【我正摒弃那直木木的茫然】
There's a second shot, it's off!【还有第二个导火点,(不过)灭了!】
Oh baby I didn't forget【噢!亲,我没有忘记(咱俩之间的感情)】
I'm just confused about what I'm used to【我只是困惑——困惑曾经的屁颠屁颠】
All this time we were, standing at the finish【这些时候,我总看到那些站在终点线上的过来人向我这边挥手】
That's why baby you can understand【亲!(我相信)这也是你为什么能够理解我】
Underneath me where you keep my head
Underneath me where you hold my hand【(困难时,)有你在背后,我会昂首前行;有你在背后,我们会携手同济】
注:该单曲选自专辑《Don't Ask Don't Tell》。