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Check out kayak's new single

[日期:2007-06-02] 来源:独立音地  作者:road [字体: ]

kayak( Qiu yong sheng), who is the veteren drummer of 48V, as perSonal project the first ep will street under the indie label 1724 soon. His new works are keep working. 48v is a Post Rock/Electro band from south china. Kayak as the band Soul and of course good at drum and also good at laptop and sample. The 1St full-length album <south> was release by 1724 in Dec 5th 2006. <South> as its name is full in Deep South China flavor, warm, peace and wet. In some sense, some track from <south> is like       Rj Valeo ‘s Chinese version. And Loops and sample in it are in south China flavor. Last year, 48v has a southern tour in china. More indie fans listened it and attracted by it.

kayak is sensitive always interested in trivial sound and works on it. Finally a elaborate and sensitive works was done. “hai cai qiang” is his newest works, “hai cai qiang” is primitive ballads from Yi minority who lives in Yunnan southeast of china Which is the venerable ballad in Chinese minority’s culture. “hai cai qiang” of kayak’s version, he used the original sample and add in loops and drums alike drum’n’bass and a little Jazz horn. After listened it, I thought this is the times and different style crisscross. Kayak is like a wise player knitted all these elements into one works. This is crazy and brilliant. Cheers for him.

This is his perSonal myspace: you can listen “hai cai qiang” and more new works and information from kayak will upload in.



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