I was doing fine missin' the marks, missin' the lines【忆往昔,那感觉真美,心里总念着你我之间微妙的这那那这】
And the days I would catch myself from fallin'【那些日子,我总想着不要让自己轻易坠入爱的漩涡】
you wanted all of that and more【可你却不理会,硬是死拽着我,拽着我与你一起陷入】
Keep me, collect me
like the stones you would find on the Beach【(我只好轻声对你说)你要永远真诚待我,要像寻见沙滩上每一个(特别的)石子那样去发现我的美丽】
Tumble me smooth【你的爱,请让我适意、柔滑地坠入】
you know it's some of that I need【你心里知道我需要一些这样的感觉】
I was doing fine meeting my words according to time【忆往昔,那感觉真美,你我之间的交往,我总是适时地将其化为言语向你诉说】
But the Poetry written to save me【可那些写给你的情诗,只是想着可以让自己矜持,不要轻易坠入爱的漩涡】
you wanted all of that and more【可你却不理会,硬是死拽着我,拽着我与你一起陷入】
Keep me, collect me
like the rare records on your shelf【(我只好轻声对你说)你要永远真诚待我,要像你唱片架上的珍贵稀有的唱片那样去发现我的美丽】
Spin me at half speed I need some of that myself【可在你播放唱片时,请降至半速,你心里知道我需要一些这样的感觉】
What are you fighting for? 【你还在争个什么?】
(I was doing fine)【我感觉就这样挺好】
too sad I'm same as yours?【我要是和你一样,岂不是太悲哀了吗?】
(and the days I would catch myself from fallin')【那些日子,我总想着不要让自己轻易坠入爱的漩涡】
what are you fallin' for?【你还在爱个什么?】
(Keep me, collect me
like the stones you would find on the Beach)【(我只好轻声对你说)你要永远真诚待我,要像寻见沙滩上每一个(特别的)石子那样去发现我的美丽】
too sad I'm same as yours?【我要是和你一样,岂不是太悲哀了吗?】
(Tumble me smooth
you know it's some of that I need) 【(我只好轻声对你说)你要永远真诚待我,要像你唱片架上的珍贵稀有的唱片那样去发现我的美丽】