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辞难达意:Amy Speace-Drive All Night(2011)

[日期:2012-06-16] 来源:独立音地  作者:jianjianse [字体: ]



Drive all night, drive all night, drive all night.

Drive all night, drive all night, drive all night.【(思绪难耐),开上车,去往你处,彻夜无归】


Summer's gonna end before it begins, drive all night. 夏日未始,行将终了”——(思绪难耐),开上车,去往你处】

Running out again, let the right one in, drive all night. 【又一次思绪枯竭,让心中的渴望再次燃起,开着车,去往你处】

Get to you before sunlight, I don't even care if this is right. 【(我)要在太阳升起以前见到你,甚而,我并不在乎这决定是否正确】

Get to you before it burns, feel my heart beat through every turn. 【(我)要在恋火焚心之前见到你,在每一次的转路疾行中,感受自己的那份心跳】


I could drive all night, I could drive all night, I could drive all night.

I could drive all night, I could drive all night, I could drive all night. 【(为了见到你)我可以彻夜无归,直往你处】


Summer's gonna end before it begins, I could drive all night. 夏日未始,行将终了”——(思绪难耐),开上车,去往你处】

Running out again, let the right one in, I could drive all night. 【又一次思绪枯竭,让心中的渴望再次燃起,开着车,去往你处】

Get to you before sunlight, I only want to feel alive. 【(我)要在太阳升起以前见到你,我只想要(在你那)感觉到自己的存在】

I think of you from dusk to dawn, feel my heart break before you're gone. 【彻夜前行,恋恋在心的只是你,在你离去前,我要见到你,感受自己的那份心跳】

I miss the sunlight on my skin…why'd you let me in? 【我的肌肤渴望阳光……当初你为何让我卷入这爱恋的漩涡之中?】

Where you start is where I end…can't remember when. 【我之结束便是你之开始……(我已)记不起什么时候了】


Would you drive all night, would you drive all night, would you drive all night?

Would you drive all night, would you drive all night, would you drive all night? 【(为了我),你会开上车,彻夜无归地去往我处吗?】

Summer's gonna end before it begins, would you drive all night? 夏日未始,行将终了”——(你也会思绪难耐),开上车,去往我处吗?】

Running out again, let the right one in, would you drive all night? 【待再次思绪枯竭,让心中的渴望再次燃起,开着车,去往我处,你会吗?】

Would you drive all night? I would drive all night.【(为了我),你会开上车,彻夜无归地去往我处吗?我会,(我愿意)】


注1:该单曲选自专辑《Land Like A Bird》。




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