I carefully rearranged my senses【我(颇不情愿地)谨小慎微地重新梳理自己(好似一团乱麻)的感觉认知】
so they could have a conversation.【以期它们可以让我与人交谈】
Taught them to switch places;【我教会它们该处的认知本位】
from each pore in my skin grew shimmering eyes!【藉着肌肤的每一个毛孔生出闪亮的双眸】
And fingerprints filled the eye sockets.【眼窝中遍布我之排布留下的指纹】
From the ears grew two tongues,【藉着双耳生出两舌】
and I sang for people passing a strange Song.【借此,我向人们献唱——他们听到一首奇怪的歌曲】
Told them stories without moving my lips【歌中向人们述说(往日)的传说,(可)我却是双唇寂寂】
(Mouth half-open, still)【(但见)我依然半张着嘴】
They assumed the words came from themselves;【他们(心里)想着歌中的这些话是从自己那里说出来的】
these unfamiliar thoughts,【(噢!)这些(自己都觉得)陌生的思绪】
and I sang to them:
Aaaaaa Aaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaa.【我向他们唱道:Aaaaaa Aaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaa】
Such is the speech of the body:【这便是身体的言说】
The ribs painted their fingernails.【纹饰涂抹在他们的指甲上】
(Black, of course)【当然,是黑色的】
And on the edges of the cunt
grew little teeth!【在女阴的边缘且生出嫩嫩的细牙】
The clitoris, that great sphinx, opened its eye:【阴蒂——那无比莫测的斯芬克斯——张开了它的双眼】
So many blind years, acting Oedipus.【如许荒芜的岁月,人们都在扮演着俄狄浦斯】(译者注:俄狄浦斯,底比斯王子, 曾破解怪物斯芬克斯(Sphinx)的谜语, 后误杀其父并娶其母为妻, 发觉后自刺双目, 流浪而死)
Meanwhile the vocal chords were listening
for the wind howling,【与此岁月相伴,声音的和弦正倾听着风的嚎叫】
whispering a familiar language of breath –
secret tales for them to learn.【声声细语道出一种(久违)熟悉的出入一呼一吸间的语言——这是久远古奥的传说,有待他们的获知】
Then from my veins came a strange itching,【随之,一种异样的噬痒在我的血管中涌动】
and I felt a pull through the shoulder blades.【我感觉一股力量拽着我的肩胛向上升起】
I should have seen it coming!【我早该看到它朝我过来!】
The blood was itching!【血,噬痒难耐】
And etched a hole at the nape of the neck.【在(我的)颈部蚀出一个洞】
It flew out into the night【血,飘飞而出,没入(那无尽的)黑夜中】
like a long, red ribbon to the sky.【就像夜空中飘扬着的一条长长的红色丝带】
And up we went, blood and I, spread over the city.【随之,我们(的身体)向上升起,(飘扬)的鲜血与(飘升的自己)便漫布(整个)城市上空】
The dark sky lay against my skin,(夜空背靠着我)
So close –【那样贴近】
like an eyelid.【就像(紧贴着眼眸的)一双眼皮】