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辞难达意:Cat's Eyes-The Best Person I Know(2011)

[日期:2012-06-27] 来源:独立音地  作者:jianjianse [字体: ]



You're the best perSon i know

And as far as other people go

There's no one else i'd rather sit next to

There's nowhere else i'd rather be when i'm with you


Cause your the best perSon i know, it's true

All my best times are with you


Could hang around with you all day

No matter if there's nothing left to say


Cause you're the best perSon i know, it's true

All my best times are with you

Cause your the best perSon i know, yes its true

These no one else i like as much as you


Cause your the best perSon i know, it's true

All my best times are with you

Cause you're the best perSon i know, yes its true

Theres no one else i like as much as you


:该单曲选自同名专辑《Cat's Eyes》。歌词所表达的意思很明白,就不译了。


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上一篇:辞难达意:Alex Turner-It's Hard To Get Around The Wind(2011)
下一篇:辞难达意:3-Mile Pilot-The House Is Loss(2000)
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