中国美食家?月饼“吃货”?内涵帝?热衷科学的卡里加里博士?太空旅行白日梦想家?No No No,他们只是群有着伟大理想的后腰闷骚共谋犯而已。 - 2011-10-29
I wouldn’t say that we’re trying to achieve any balance or compose specific music. We just play what is going outside our hearts and souls and that’s it. You know, in lives of all people the good goes along with the evil, rapture with grief and the things like that. So maybe that’s why our music can be described in such a way, we just live like everyone of you with our joys and sorrows and the music itself is a result of living - 2010-12-12
其实我们并没有刻意去达到平衡或者创作某种特定的音乐。我们只是想表达心中的想法。每个人的生活都是由好和坏组成。喜悦和悲痛都是不可或缺的。所以或许这就是我们的风格可以被解释为“狂喜和悲伤的统一”吧 - 2010-11-18