寂寞.夏.日(Lonely china day)Mao Live House专场
11 May 2008 Lonely China Day @ Mao Live House
Door: 9:00pm
Address:111 of Gu Lou Dong RD.,Dong Cheng District,Beijing
Ticket: 49.9 RMB
"邓裴开始唱的时候我惊呆了。这不同于过去中国传统文化中那种“世界的中心” 居功自傲的心态。他们的音乐中充满了内省,对外界和自然的尊敬,同时也具有中国人推崇的抽象意识,对艺术颇有胆识的超前的创作。它像一个希望的灯塔,并不是所有中国人都忘记了自己伟大的文化,我们应该为我们的谦逊,具有探索精神的创造感到自豪。" _Tim Den(转自http://www.transformonline.com/music/reviews/004352.php)
"I am instantly transfixed the moment Deng opens his mouth. This sophisticated awareness of one’s cultural background and achievements instantly feels different than the average Chinese egotistical, nationalistic attitude toward “being the center of the world.” It is full of humility, self-introspection, respect for the outside world and nature, not to mention in line with the ancient Chinese’s high regard for abstract, daring, progressive art making. It shines like a beacon of hope in that perhaps not all Chinese people have forgotten the true greatness of our culture: that we once prided ourselves on being humble, courteous, creatively adventurous, etc."
_Tim Den(http://www.transformonline.com/music/reviews/004352.php)
"尽管中国大多乐队认为,为了能像一个摇滚乐队,主唱必须大声叫喊着唱歌。谈及唱,寂寞.夏.日不同于其他中国非主流乐队用英文唱歌,他们独自用中文歌唱。他们的音乐融合了中西方的特色但绝未远离他们的中国根源。寂寞.夏.日正在促进重新定义中国非主流音乐。" _Larry Kao(转自http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=56043)
"again a departure from vocals of most Chinese bands that seem to think that in order to be in a rock band, one must sing yelling. And speaking of vocals, Lonely China Day sings solely in Chinese, not in English, like many Chinese subculture bands do. In asserting their own music that has incorporated both Chinese and Western styles but never straying from their Chinese roots, Lonely China Day is helping to redefine Chinese subculture music."_Larry Kao(http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=56043)
策划组织:独立音地 http://www.indiechina.com/
场地提供:Mao Live http://www.maolive.com/main.html
网络支持:魔时网 http://www.mosh.cn/
推广协力:Tom音乐 http://music.ent.tom.com/
环球游报 http://www.yooso.net/
搜狐音乐 http://music.sohu.com/
通俗歌曲 http://www.xmusicmag.com/
网易娱乐 http://ent.163.com/
新浪娱乐 http://ent.sina.com.cn/