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Interview Series of Chinese Post Rock Bands---Wang Wen

[日期:2009-01-14] 来源:  作者:vera [字体: ]

Perface:This interview-series is mainly managed by Nomusic magezine,and our website provides assistance to it.The interviewer is also our websites writer XY.It is not until half a year that we eventually get the complete  manuscript.Therefore,we publish it from today.

In order,they are:

Wang Wen



Longly China Day


Hua Lun

The interview above is published in the 50th Nomusic magazine.If interest,  buy and read it.

We specially appreciate Nomusic magezine,Miss September Pu,and XY.

Post Rock---the Happiest Part of Our Life

Interview Series of ChInese Post Rock Bands—Wang Wen

By xy

(In this artile,No is short for Nomusics,Xie is Xie Yugang,Zhou is Zhou      

Lianjiang, and Geng is Geng Xin.)


Members---Guitar:Xie Yugang/Geng Xin,Bass:Zheng ZI,Drums:Zhou Lianjiang,

Keyboard:Zhang Yanfeng.

Music Works
Animal World
Ling Shui River
Tenebrious Road of Live and Death
28 Days’ Aypnia Dairy
6 Tales for 50 People
7 Objects in Another Infinite Space
Box Set—2007

No:It’s my pleasure to interview you.We know that your band will release the  new album later ,and the fans on the Internet can hardly wait.So please give us a brief introduction about your new release.

Xie:The new album is named IV,which is our Forth offical album,includes 7 songs  that were wrote in 2007.


Wang Wen’s new album:IV

No:It is said that the new release is cooperated with God Is An Astronaut.We are very interested in it.So how did you guys find him for cooperation?

Xie: We knew God Is An Astronaut through the Internet.The Guitarist Neil likes Wang Wne’s music very much.And I know that he is a pretty professional recording director and misic producer after chat for seveal times.Due to the shortage of both such kind of professional recording directirs and sufficient experience at home,we would like to invite Neil to make the post-production for  us.He was also very glad and willing to do the post-dome-processing for us.But unfortunately that their tour was arranged during March and April,and Wang Wen’s first release would go on in the middle of May.So we eventually asked others to  process the demo in Dalian.After finishing the tour of this album,we feel disposed  to invite Neil to remix the whole album or some of our lasted songs.

No:What’s the difference between the new album and those former ones?

Xie:The new album generally extend our previous music style,but it is more    refined and perticular on music arrangement and acoustic quality than before,and many new elements and ideas are added in.Every guy of our band is very         satisfied with this album.

Geng:It is a brandnew album,from music itself to production,which represents  an entirely new Wang Wen.

No:The keyboard Zhang Yanfeng comes back to the band.Does it mean that Wang Wen’s music will be advanced on forms and focets,as well as more expressive on live?

Xie:Attributed to his back,our creation space is really extended .Wang Wen will follow forward to their music road.

Zhou:Yeah,we parted from him because of something special.Now he is back,  which adds more color and emotion into Wang Wen’s music.We always expect for his returning during he leaves.Now everything is alright.We get reunion.

Geng:Sure,it is the most joyful thing in our 2008.Yan Feng’s return really      extends the space on the thoughts and manners of our songwriting and arranging

No:The tour follows the release.Your schedule generally covers the whole      nation.Seems that you attaches weight to this nationwide tour.

Xie:We love the live experience because it also reflects the representability of     music itself.But,due to our own jobs and lacations,we don’t perform much annually.Thus it is hard to find an available time to tour together.We try to tour more      places to populize Wang Wen’s music.

Zhou:Actually the band always considers important in the live experience,     bucause only being on live you can feel the enchantment and sensetional power our music gives to you.So we hope we perform more so that more people can   come to enjoy our performance and feel Wang Wen’s music.

Geng:Yes,and it is the first time for Wang Wen to take such extensive tours. Hope it goes well.


0306,Wang Wen’s first collective album

No:I also want to talk something about your lasted limited edition 0306.Its price    is comparatively high at home,but is can’t affect its critical momentum going.The boxed sex is so amazing.So you guys might give much attention on it,I suppose.So what did remind you to release such a boxed record at first?

Xie:The idea of boxed set is from both our manager Xiao Zhao and SC      Design team.In addition,it was so happened that we were ready to release a B   side album.It would be a good idea for issuing such a boxed set of album.It is   also a positive try of combining our music and related designing products.The    main cause of high price is the limited quatity.The high price fellows the high cost,we don’t rise it intentionally.



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