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[日期:2010-10-01] 来源:独立音地  作者:road [字体: ]

0047是一支跨艺术与建筑领域的团队 独立音地

0047是一支跨艺术与建筑领域的团队。2004年成立于柏林,现在奥斯陆。包括展览空间和跨界工作室驻场项目。共开展了30多个展览和项目,130多位艺术家、建筑师和策展人参与。来自全球各地的60多人参加了0047的跨界工作室驻场项目。0047的主脑是Espen Røyseland和Øystein Rø。
0047策划/编辑/出版项目包括2011年挪威建筑师协会成立百周年活动策划,未实现建筑集,波兰已故建筑师、环境艺术先驱Stanisław Zamecznik的研究展,巴伦支海城市化状况调查,Europan 挪威都市创新组委,挪威俄罗斯边境社会研究,上海世博挪威馆概念模型。
0047 is a cross-team field of art and architecture. Founded in Berlin in 2004, now in Oslo. Including exhibition space and cross-studio-in-residence program. Carried out of more than 30 exhibitions and projects in total, over 130 artists, architects and curators to participate. More than 60 bodies participated in the 0047 cross-studio-in-residence program who from around the world. Espen Røyseland and Øystein Rø are mastermind of 0047.

500 square meters space of 0047 in Oslo Grønland district’s a dairy factory. There are a variety of activities in the space, from contemporary art and architecture exhibitions, to workshops, screenings, seminars, workshops and offices. Birth of transnational projects and cross-border portfolio.

047 Planning / editing / publishing projects, including the establishment in 2011 the centenary of the Norwegian Institute of Architects event planning, did not realize building sets, Poland, the late architect, environmental art pioneer Stanisław Zamecznik of development, urbanization in the Barents Sea survey, Europan Urban Innovation Norway panellist, Norway, the Russian border social research, the Norwegian Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo model.



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