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Metronomicon Audio

[日期:2010-10-01] 来源:独立音地  作者:road [字体: ]

Metronomicon Audio 独立音地

Metronomicon Audio是一个位于挪威奥斯陆的一家小型唱片公司。严格来说,它并不是真正意义上的厂牌,而是一个由20个活跃的成员和的针对于促进更新更有趣的音乐范围的分支机构组成的社区。 Metronomicon Audio倾向于聚焦成员个人对于音乐的喜好,并提供一个使艺术家本身有充分的艺术控制的社区平台。这也适用于程度最高的Metronomicon Audio的内训设计师Yokoland,这与艺术家的合作被认为是对视觉外貌负责。这包括从记录覆盖到舞台效果,海报,传单和网站。

Metronomicon Audio is a small record label based in Oslo, Norway. Strictly speaking, it is not really a label, but rather a community with some 20 active members and a wide range of affiliates which together aim to promote new and interesting music. Metronomicon Audio has chosen to focus on individual members’ freedom to make music they like, and the community has a flat structure where the artists themselves have full artistic control. This also applies to the highest degree of Metronomicon Audio’s inhouse designers Yokoland which in collaboration with the artists is responsible for the visual profile. This includes everything from record covers to the stage effects, posters, flyers and website.

In addition to producing music Metronomicon Audio has for years held several concerts and events. Each year we also arrange By;alarm, a festival and awards ceremony which purpose is to focus on the absurdity of competing in music. Every tenth Metronomicon Audio release is a compilation. On these compilation other artists from around the world are invited to contribute in order to showcase other people talents and to cross genre and nation boundaries. Metronomicon artists have worked with both French, British, Japanese and Swedish musicians.

Metronomicon Audio started in 2001. However the first CDR was released a year before by the artist Center of the Universe. There is hardly a coincidence that this particular CDR was released first when considering that the man behind, Jørgen Sissyfus Skjulstad, was also the record company’s driving force. With the poignant title “Previously Unreleased” he set the standard for what was to become a long series of releases by various bands that all exhibited a life-affirming humor and ingenuity, reflected in both community’s visual and musical profile.

As of today the community has produced 46 releases. Among these we find in addition to a lot of CDR and CD, even more obscure formats such as 12″ vinyl and USB sticks.



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