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[日期:2010-10-01] 来源:独立音地  作者:gilbertea [字体: ]

成立后的两年来, *Svensk standard* 致力于在建筑界追求一个更加开放的著作权观念,并探索各种不同模式的建筑生产。 团队由一个博客起源, 从小型公共艺术项目的设计到更大规模的设计方案,再发展到为商业客户进行活动空间的设计与施工。同时他们在文本评论方面保持原初的兴趣,在不同项目之间扮演不同的角色,转换如星座变异。

参加本届NOTCH的成员有:Anders Berensson, Markus Wagner, Caroline Ektander, Daniel Johansson 和 Rutger Sjögrim。

Svensk Standard was started in 2008 as an attempt at not becoming an office.

A lot of design practices today appear to be locked in a mode of practice that mainly aims to reproduce the brand identity of the practice itself. Usually this means branding through style and coherence. This is of course an expression of our time and the market economy in which we all exist. Design distinguish itself from art in that it is produced for a client: For the client to recognize the designer, the designs need to be coherent. Coherence signals reliability. It is the opposite of the unexpected. It is not the same thing as “being focused”

Coherence is also a symptom of isolation; of working alone or with the same people for a long time. Although the intention may be to explore new concepts and to avoid repeating previous ones, given enough time, the unconscious desires and tastes of the authors will shine through, giving rise to the unavoidable sense of repetition.

Svensk Standard was created to allow for a different kind of architectural production. One that pursues a more open notion of authorship. That allows for change, for collaboration and for collaborators to enter and leave in an on-demand, as-you-please fashion. That allows us to be many. That embraces the unexpected. That creates multiple points of entry into or paths to circumnavigate the established economies of production.

At its core it is simply a blog, an architectural fanzine with a desire and the capability to produce, an output channel.

At NOTCH09 Svensk Standard is:

Anders Berensson
Caroline Ektander
Daniel Johansson
Rutger Sjögrim
Markus Wagner


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