生于西班牙巴塞罗那,毕业于Bartlett建筑学院,拥有巴塞罗那大学艺术理论硕士学位。曾在英国伦敦诺曼福斯特的建筑事务所工作,现居丹麦哥本哈根,是丹麦最大的建筑事务所Henning Larsen的合伙人。
他领导David Garcia工作室是一个实验性的平台,与其他设计师、艺术家和工程师们基于不同项目展开合作,测试各种新方法,“开放性”是他们的工作哲学。
David Garcia的作品在巴塞罗那、伦敦、哥本哈根等地展出过,也出现在不少建筑杂志和报纸上。
David Garcia 的“书轮”与“书桶”两件作品参加了 NOTCH09 北京站的展览,获得广泛关注。
David Garcia 工作室将参加NOTCH10北京站开放工作营单元 并设计了NOTCH Pavilion。
practicing architect, educator and researcher
Born in Barcelona and graduated from The Bartlett school of Architecture, David also holds a masters degree in art theory from the University of Barcelona. He has worked at Foster and Partners and is currently an Associate at Henning Larsen Architects, Copenhagen.
He is also director and owner of David Garcia Studio. It’s an experimental platform which tests new methods and processes at all scales, collaborating with other designers, artists and engineers. The studio works with an "open door" philosophy.
He has exhibited his work in Barcelona, London and Copenhagen, as well as published in architectural journals.
David Garcia's "Book Wheel" and "book bucket" two entries took part in the exhibition of NOTCH09 Beijing Station, received wide attention.
David Garcia Studio will participate in NOTCH10 exhibition in Shanghai and Open Studio Camp in Beijing.
DAVID GARCIA STUDIO is an experimental architectural platform. The Studio’s work spans through various scales, and from the social sphere to the technical, often challenging the status-quo through inventiveness and a cross-disciplinary approach. We truly believe that what exists is only a small part of what is possible, and we design driven by this principle.