生于1977年,丹麦自学成才的艺术家、电影导演、策展人与项目领头人。JSR创立了黑客团体“8bit klubben”和“mikrogalleriet”、以哥本哈根为基地的科技艺术画廊。他还在丹麦皇家艺术学院、Jut-land艺术学院开展众多工作坊;拥有丹麦科技大学设计工程学士学位,目前他正在完成哥本哈根工程学院的交互设计学位。2009年春,他的首次个展于Machwerket画廊举办。
JSR创立了黑客团体“8bit klubben”,各种不同领域的人都被吸纳到这个组织中来:程序员、音乐家、艺术家、工程师、演员等,他们组织演唱会、电影放映、野餐会、工作坊和艺术展览,关注领域很广,从黑客、艺术、装置,甚至到政治。
Jacob Sikker Remin, Denmark, 1977
JSR is a self-taught artist, fi lm director, curator and project leader. JSR has exhibited on the Charlotten-borg spring exhibition, staged the performance “Copy This Idea” at the State Museum of Art, Denmark. In the spring of 2009 JSR had his fi rst solo exhibition in gallery Machwerket, in Århus, Denmark. JSR has founded the hacker collective “8bit klubben” and “mikrogalleriet”; copenhagen based gallery for technology based art.JSR has taught numerous workshops, amongst others on the Royal Danish Art Academy and the Jut-land Art Academy. JSR has a bachelor of design engineering from the Technical University of Denmark, DTU, and he is currently finishing his masters of interaction design from the Copenhagen Insititute of Interaction Design, CIID.The following is a selection of productions.