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Her Name Is Calla: Being pleased while you are in grief

[日期:2010-11-16] 来源:IndieChina  作者:gilbertea [字体: ]

Her Name Is Calla IndieChina

Her Name Is Calla: Being pleased while you are in grief

by Gilbertea

Noticed our interview with Pg.lost,the Post-Rock band Her Name Is Calla sent us their new album and would like us to write something about them.I'd say that the music surprised us so much. Since it's hard to evaluate anything beyond description, this is a really hard work for us. But instead of shouting bravo, eventually we've got the words to express.

The first time I listened to "Condor And River", I was so curious about the concept inside the music as much as the strong Emotion. After digesting the album "The Heritage", I've got the conclusion that Her Name Is Calla is totally a different band from those I've ever listened to before. It's about anything just behind the music that you could not see. Maybe an invisible hand pulling you out of cliffs, or something like that. I asked so many bands if any changes in your music bring new concept along, but you know most gave me the answer of making music just following their heart. Nowadays getting music going the way you design is really rare and hard for many. So the rational thinking and the controlled music in Her Name Is Calla's coming new album impress me such a lot.

Her Name Is Calla formed in England, 2004. They used to be labeled as Post-Rock, but the way they go differs from usual ones. They are dark but gracious. The violinist Sophie reveals that if those she's invested in do not show any interst in their fans, she will feel a little bit let down. With this attitude towards music, their tour in England is such a big hit. Now they're known for the intensive Emotional shows with explosions of Noise and distinc but harmonious passages.

After the tour,Her Name Is Calla released "The Heritage". It's an album filled with rationality, concept, skills and Emotion. Themes of ultimatums, generational inheritance, and loss stream along the tracks. Introspection moves wobbly around the listener's head while the music is rushing on. Her Name Is Calla has a fantastic talent to arrange all kinds of instruments. Their Songs are epic and sometimes gloomy just like industry music. One of the greatest songs "New England" is such an amaze that the strings hide behind the distorted guitar to create a dangerous emotion, which is a totally dark beauty. SoIncredible.

Her Name Is Calla signed with German label Denovali in 2009 and then set out to do the new album. It seems that they're confident with it, they consider the new one as the first true LP. The new album is named after the film "Silence of the Lambs". As the same with the far-reaching implication of the film, this album is more of a psychological state. In this album rationality fades out, and with the use of banjo, trombone, violin and hand bell, and calm or sometimes roar of the human voice, traditional and classical elements collide into something unterrific. When it comes to the new album, the band members said the music was more a record of life and Spiritual growth. Indeed, this is a tempered album. The music has matured beyond their peers. Raging wind like Sadcore(Thief) and fiery passion of Riptide(A Blood Promise) build this dark but warm, beautiful but profound album. Being pleased while you are in griEF, this is the original color of life.

"The Quiet Lamb" ends with an epic "Union". From blind passion and agitation of "I Worship a Golden Sun" to mournful confession of "Recidivist" , then exciting and hopeful "Into the West" as an exit, it seems to tell us some faith of life to torture the Soul of each individual: while facing of the unknown, shrink, or just move on?

Her Name Is Calla IndieChina


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