Look deep INTO the April face【凝神细看四月的光景】
A change is clearly taking place【光阴之流转晰现眼前】
Looking for the summer【时光寻日,夏之将至】
The eyes take on a certain gaze【(时光)凝视此刻】
And leave behind the springtime days【春已逝去】
Go looking for the summer【待时光追逐,夏之将至】
This ain't no game of kiss and tell【这可不是谈情说爱的游戏】
The implications how you KNEW so well【它将暗示出你之于时光变迁,感悟几何】
Go looking for the summer【待时光追逐,夏之将至】
The time has come and they must go【光阴来而不住,去而不留】
To play the passion out that haunts you so【以它独有的方式送走萦绕你心的激情】
Looking for the summer【时光寻日,夏之将至】
Remember love how it was the same【记住:爱在时光中是如何本自真如,不来、不住、不去、不留】
We scratched and hurt each OTHER'S growing pains【我们兀自于成长的痛苦中互相伤害】
We were looking for the summer【曾经,我们都在随时光追逐夏日】
And still I stand this very day【此刻,我依旧于时光中驻足站立】
With a burning wish to fly away【怀抱火热的期望可振臂高飞,(飞离于时光的羁绊)】
I'm still looking, looking for the summer【(可)我依旧在随时光追逐、追逐着夏日】