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辞难达意:Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds-Where the Wild Roses Grow(1996)

[日期:2012-01-13] 来源:独立音地  作者:Prodigy译 [字体: ]


They call me The Wild Rose【他们都称呼我叫野玫瑰

But my name was Elisa Day【可我的名字是“Elisa Day”

Why they call me it I do not know【我不知道他们为什么这么称呼我】

For my name was Elisa Day【因为我的名字就是“Elisa Day”


[Nick Cave]

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one【从看到她的第一天,我(就)知道她是我要找的人】

She stared in my eyes and smiled【她直勾勾地看着我的双眼,面带微笑】

For her lips were the colour of the roses

That grew down the river, all bloody and wild【她的双唇绽放出玫瑰的色彩,就是那种沿着河岸生长的玫瑰,殷(yān)红中散发着野性】


[Kylie Minogue]

When he knocked on my door and entered the room【他敲响我的房门,步入(我的)房间】

My trembling subsided in his sure embrace【此刻,我(那颗激动地)颤抖的心陷入在他那结实的拥抱中】

He would be my first man, and with a careful hand

He wiped at the tears that ran down my face【(我知道)他将是我第一个男人,他用手小心翼翼地拭去我脸上流溢着激动之情的泪水】


They call me The Wild Rose【他们都称呼我叫野玫瑰

But my name was Elisa Day【可我的名字是“Elisa Day”

Why they call me it I do not know【我不知道他们为什么这么称呼我】

For my name was Elisa Day【因为我的名字就是“Elisa Day”


[Nick Cave]

On the second day I brought her a flower【第二天,我送给她一朵花】(译者按:这朵花应该便是野玫瑰)

She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen【(那天)她比我曾见过的所有女人都美】

I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow

So sweet and scarlet and free?"【我说:你知道哪儿的野玫瑰会绽放地如此芳香、鲜红和恣意吗?


[Kylie Minogue]

On the second day he came with a single red rose【第二天,他给我带来了一支红玫瑰】

Said: "Will you give me your loss and your sorrow"【说道:你愿意给我你的失意与悲伤吗?

I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed【我点了点头,(慢慢地)躺在了床上】

He said, "If I show you the roses, will you follow?"【他说:如果我带你去看看那儿的玫瑰,你愿意来吗?


They call me The Wild Rose【他们都称呼我叫野玫瑰

But my name was Elisa Day【可我的名字是“Elisa Day”

Why they call me that I do not know【我不知道他们为什么这么称呼我】

For my name was Elisa Day【因为我的名字就是“Elisa Day”


[Kylie Minogue]

On the third day he took me to the river【第三天,他带我来到了河边】

He showed me the roses and we kissed【他给我看了那儿的玫瑰,在那,我们互相亲吻着对方】

And the last thing I heard was a muttered word

As he knelt (stood smiling) above me with a rock in his fist【最后,就在他(面带微笑)用拳头攥起的石块向我击打时,我听到了一阵喃喃自语】


[Nick Cave]

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow【最后一天,我带她来到长着野玫瑰的地方】

And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief【她躺在河岸上,风,宛如盗贼般,蹑手蹑脚地吹过】

And I kissed her goodbye, said, "All beauty must die"【我向她吻别,说道:所有的美都必须亡结

And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth【我将她放下,在她那(洁白)的牙齿间种下了一朵玫瑰】


They call me The Wild Rose【他们都称呼我叫野玫瑰

But my name was Elisa Day【可我的名字是“Elisa Day”

Why they call me it I do not know【我不知道他们为什么这么称呼我】

For my name was Elisa Day【因为我的名字就是“Elisa Day”

my name was Elisa Day【我的名字是“Elisa Day”

For my name was Elisa Day【因为我的名字就是“Elisa Day”


1:该单曲选自专辑《Murder Ballads》。


2:几张图片(由左至右,由上到下)——Nick Cave“the Bad Seeds”成员、专辑封面、Kylie Minogue、年轻时的Nick Cave、现在的Nick Cave




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上一篇:辞难达意:Alice in Chains-No Excuses(1994)
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