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辞难达意:Red Hot Chili Peppers-Under the Bridge(1991)

[日期:2012-02-24] 来源:独立音地  作者:Prodigy译 [字体: ]



Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner【我时常感觉好像是孑然孤身,连一个伴都没有】

Sometimes I feel like my only friend【我时常感觉好像我唯一的朋友】

Is the city I live in, the city of angels【便是生活其中的这座城市——天使之城】

Lonely as I am, together we cry【(她)像我一样孤独寂寞,我们都(因此)落泪】


I drive on her streets 'cause she's my companion【我驾车行在她的街道上,这缘于她是我的陪伴】

I walk through her hills 'cause she knows who I am【我步行穿越她的山坡,这缘于她知道我是谁】

She sees my good deeds and she kisses the windy【她看到我善意的举动,她随风亲吻我(的脸颊)】

Well, I never worry, now that is a lie【既然是这样,我从不焦虑,现在,(我知道)这是我自己骗自己的一个谎言】


I don't ever wanna feel like I did that day【我从来就不愿意要再度品尝那一天的悲伤滋味】

But take me to the place I love, take me all the way【但愿上天一路带着我到我所爱的地方】

I don't ever wanna feel like I did that day【我从来就不愿意要再度品尝那一天的悲伤滋味】

But take me to the place I love, take me all the way, yeah yeah yeah【但愿上天一路带着我到我所爱的地方,那样真好】


It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there【难以相信,那个地方竟然没有人】

It's hard to believe that I'm all alone【难以相信,(在那里)我是彻底的孤独者】

At least I have her love, the city, she loves me【(在这里)至少我还拥有她——这座城市的爱,她(也)爱我】

Lonely as I am, together we cry【(她)像我一样孤独寂寞,我们都(因此)落泪】


I don't ever wanna feel like I did that day【我从来就不愿意要再度品尝那一天的悲伤滋味】

But take me to the place I love, take me all the way【但愿上天一路带着我到我所爱的地方】

I don't ever wanna feel like I did that day【我从来就不愿意要再度品尝那一天的悲伤滋味】

But take me to the place I love, take me all the way, yeah yeah yeah【但愿上天一路带着我到我所爱的地方,那样真好】


Oh, no, no, no, yeah yeah【噢!不!不!不!这样真好】

Love me, I say, yeah yeah【我对她说:爱我!这真好】


One time【(哪怕就那么)一次】


Under the bridge downtown【繁华闹市的路桥下】

Is where I drew some blood【是我心痛流血的地方】

Under the bridge downtown【繁华闹市的路桥下】

I could not get enough【那给予我的爱,我无法满足】


Under the bridge downtown【繁华闹市的路桥下】

Forgot about my love【忘失我爱】

Under the bridge downtown【繁华闹市的路桥下】

I gave my life away【我抛却了我的生活】


Yeah yeah yeah【这样真好】

Oh, no, no, no, yeah yeah【不!不!不!这样也挺好】


Where I stay【(我不知)何处何从】

:该单曲选自专辑《Blood Sugar Sex Magik》


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上一篇:辞难达意:The Cure-Lullaby(1989)
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