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辞难达意:Bill Callahan-Drover(2011)

[日期:2012-04-02] 来源:独立音地  作者:Prodigy译 [字体: ]



The real people went away【纯真的人们已逃离(这个世间)】

But I'll find a better way, someday【但有那么一天,我会寻觅到一条更美好的路】

Leaving only me and my dreams【甩弃(无关的)一切,只有自己和(伴随着)我的梦想】

My cattle and a reSonator【还有我的牛羊和一把共鸣器】(译者按:不知道为何这里会出来个共鸣器。)


I drove all the beast down right under your nose【我赶着所有的牛羊向南而去,来到你的面前】

The lumbering footloose power【(带着一种)缓慢而沉重的超然自在的力量】

The bull and the rose【牛,玫瑰】

Don't touch them don't try to hurt them【不要碰它们,不要试图伤害它们】

My cattle【(噢!)我的牛羊】


I drove them by the crops and thought the crops were lost【我带着它们沿着庄稼地而行,庄稼消失在我的脑海中】

I consoled myself with rudimentary thoughts【我用(貌似)不成熟的想法安慰自己】

And I set my watch against the city clock【在城市时钟敲响的那一刻前,我定下了自己的时间】

It was way off【(你不会知道)它们之间的差距有多大】


Yeah one thing about this wild, wild Country【噢!关于这个狂野无羁的国家,有一点我想说】

It takes a strong, strong【它承载着一个坚强无比的信念而来】

It breaks a strong, strong mind【可现在,它却又在蚕食破坏那坚强无比的信念】

Yeah one thing about this wild, wild Country

It takes a strong, strong

It breaks a strong, strong mind


And anything less, anything less【没有比这更糟糕的了】

Makes me feel like I'm wasting my time【(直)让我感觉我是在虚度光阴】


But the pain and frustration, is not mine【但这痛与失望,并非我所独有】

It belongs to the cattle, through the valley【它穿越山谷,也侵蚀到了那里的牛羊】


And when my cattle turns on me【当我那些牛羊倚赖于我时】

I was knocked back flat【我凛然大吃一惊】

I was knocked out cold for one clack of the train track【铁轨发出冰冷的声音,摧毁了我心中的信念】

Then I rose a colossal hand buried, buried in sand【而后,我举起夹带着泥沙的一只巨手】

I rose like a drover【举起的那一瞬间,我就像一个牧羊人】

For I am in the end a drover【可最终,我只是一个牧羊人】

A drover by trade【一个奔着交易而去的牧羊人】

When my cattle turns on me【当我那些牛羊倚赖于我时】

I am a drover, double fold【我是一个牧羊人,双面的牧羊人】


My cattle bears it all away for me and everyone【那些牛羊为我,为每一个人获取了收益】

One, one, one, one, one, one ...【(我们数着钞票)一块、两块……


Yeah one thing about this wild, wild Country【噢!关于这个狂野无羁的国家,有一点我想说】

It takes a strong, strong【它承载着一个坚强无比的信念而来】

It breaks a strong, strong mind【可现在,它却又在蚕食破坏那坚强无比的信念】

And anything less, anything less

Makes me feel like I'm wasting my time




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上一篇:辞难达意:Signe Tollefsen-Glory Box(2011)
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