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Emma Kim Hagdahl

[日期:2010-10-01] 来源:独立音地  作者:road [字体: ]

Emma Kim Hagdahl 独立音地

Emma Kim Hagdahl是斯德哥尔摩著名的舞蹈家和表演艺术家。她是INPEX组织的成员(www.inpex-universe.org )、发起并编著了《瑞典舞蹈史》一书和报纸《THE INPEX》。她最近专注于双人芭蕾舞“DARK”,三段独舞As Found(同Weld合作),以及为一个时尚周做了开幕演出。艾玛获得了维也纳国际舞蹈节的奖学金,她参加了蒙彼利埃的ex.e.r.ce和墨西哥城和瓦哈卡的Prisma论坛。2011年,她将作为Agora 计划的一部分,受瑞典艺术拨款委员会委约到纽约参加首个交流计划。她毕业于伦敦拉班和斯德哥尔摩舞蹈马戏大学。
Emma Kim Hagdahl is a choreogRapher and performer based in Stockholm. She is part of the organisation Inpex (www.inpex-universe.org), initiating and producing the books The Swedish Dance History and the newspaper The Inpex. Her recent choreographic work for stage includes the ballet duet DARK, the solo triptych As Found (co-produced by Weld) and an opening performance for the fashion label Weekday. Emma was awarded the DanceWEB Europe scholarship at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Festival, she participated at ex.e.r.ce at CCN Montpellier and at Prisma Forum in Mexico City and Oaxaca. In 2011 she is part of The Agora Project at PAF and is commissioned by The Swedish Arts Grants Committee and Movement Research to do a pilot exchange program in New York. She received her education from Laban in London and University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm.


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